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1/11/2010: Frohnmayer’s special Poli Sci course on “Theoretical Leadership” appears to be the first UO course to use the new Jaqua Athletes Only Study Center. No word on whether Poli Sci is paying the athletic department for use of the space, as regular academic users must, or if free access was part of Dave’s deal with Phil. Apparently retired UO administrator Barbara West is being paid about $12,000 to help Dave teach the 23 students in this class and his 25 student Honors College class on the same basic stuff. Dave gets $245,000. Supposedly there’s a GTF too, and a full time secretary for Dave, and offices in the Law School and Honor’s College, and a large expense account.

Dave’s leadership course seems to involve having the students play Diplomacy. (Man, does that takes me back to Junior High School. Mr. Black, you were such a cool social studies teacher.)

No word on whether or not Dave also gives lectures on how to sell out to boosters for big salary supplements and contributions to your foundation (Kilkenny gave  $240,000, just before Dave hired him as AD, see page 6, and $100,000 the next), get a fat retirement deal from PERS before it goes bankrupt, and then go to the state legislature and deliver self-righteous testimony on how they aren’t doing enough to fund higher education. But maybe some things just can’t be taught.

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