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Geller in charge of hiring UO Board chief

Originally posted 2/13/2014: Hired by Randy Geller, paid by UO, but charged with helping the trustees fulfill their fiduciary obligations. Hmmm, what could possibly go wrong? Steve Duin of the Oregonian reports on a few possibilities.

Job announcement here:

The Secretary of the University is responsible for high-level facilitation and coordination of the activities of the Board of Trustees and individual Board members. In addition to other responsibilities, the Secretary: (1) plans, designs, and organizes meetings of the Board and its committees; (2) works alongside the Board Chair, President, and committee chairs to develop meeting schedules and agendas; (3) ensures that content of agenda items is accurate, sufficient, and complete so that the Trustees may fulfill their fiduciary obligations; …


  1. Three-Toed Sloth 02/14/2014

    What could possibly go wrong?

  2. minion 04/01/2014

    No worries. Dr. Nefario has already demonstrated himself to be a tenderfoot.

  3. Trying to understand... 04/01/2014

    I’m trying to reconcile the headline with the content…are you saying that Melinda Grier is the front running candidate for Board Secretary? Why is it that your headlines tend to be opinions which are often disconnected to the facts presented? This seems right up there with Joan Rivers saying “That outfit made her look like a cow”. Clearly this is an unflattering opinion but the fact is that Ms. Rivers had this opinion. It is not a fact that the outfit made the wearer look like a cow. This of course differs from a news outlet like Entertainment Tonight which might report that Kim and Kanye were spotted at an LA hotspot. Sometimes this blog reads more like Joan Rivers’ Fashion Police than Entertainment Tonight. Is that the balance you are aiming for?

    • ms. rivers 04/01/2014

      I’d roll my eyes if I could.

      But seriously — just another term until summer so forget journalism, philosophy, anything scientific (economics? pfft…too difficult), certainly nothing artistic nor anything at all to do with critical thinking because … well, you know .. any of those would be critical. And we can’t have that!

      Have you tried politics?

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