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Faculty union’s General Membership Meeting this Th, 5PM

General Membership Meeting

The first General Membership Meeting of the academic year will be this Thursday, September 27, 5-7pm in Gerlinger Lounge.

Avinnash Tiwari, our Politics Committee Chair, will talk through our endorsements, and specifically how they impact us as a University community. There are some tricky, and troubling, propositions he’ll summarize as well as give some brief insight into our candidate endorsements. He will also outline ways for all of us to get involved, including how the politics committee will help advance our shared interests.

Dave Cecil, our Executive Director, will discuss how we can use the 2018-19 academic year to formulate bargaining planks.


Welcome, and remarks from the President
Politics, how to get involved, and our endorsements
Organizing and Membership
Bargaining and Caucuses

Dinner and beverages provided.  Kids welcome.


  1. Dog 09/27/2018

    Just formulate a bargaining plank the we can at least walk to the edge to then get shoved off by the pirate captains of the JH vessel

  2. skeptic 10/01/2018

    Would our raises be more than 1 precent if we weren’t sutting around having potlucks every couple months??

    • uomatters Post author | 10/01/2018

      I have seen any empirical research on the potluck/raise correlation, but the labor movement consensus is that nothing strikes fear into management like a good union potluck. Except for a strike, of course.
      BTW, the initial results from the SCOTUS’s anti-union Janus decision are in: UO faculty union membership continues to increase.

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