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How long will it take Kevin Reed’s PRO to find Trustee evals?

Or at least make an inflated estimate of the cost of finding them? Given that Reed is also the Board’s attorney, you’d think this would be a pretty easy public records request.

UO’s federal accreditors require the Board of Trustees to conduct a self-study evaluation every two years:

2.A.8 The board regularly evaluates its performance to ensure its duties and responsibilities are fulfilled in an effective and efficient manner.

OSU’s board posts their evaluations on the internet. Four weeks ago I filed a public records request for the UO Board’s evaluations. Still no response:

One Comment

  1. Prix Fixe 12/20/2018

    Uomatters: one bottle of laphroaig
    Uo public records: a goblet filled with the blood and tears of reporters and union members
    Nike: complete control of the University
    Uopd: a bowl of l’il smokies
    Uo Library: Ursula Le Guin’s mummy
    Uo foundation: 100 shares of FU
    Athletics: they pay you, to attend a men’s basketball game
    Alumni association: none. You can’t stop our emails
    Registrar: too late, we sold your e-mails
    Uo legal team: $350/hr for posturing, but an intern shows up for trial
    Cas: willing to do naughty things online for money
    Jh: we’re taking a percentage from everything above and own the intellectual property rights.

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