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Posts tagged as “38% admin expense ratio claim”

President, Governor on student spas and administrative bloat

9/28/2010: President Obama that is: In a conference call with student journalists on Monday, President Obama renewed his calls for reining in college costs, saying that every institution should provide a chart showing how each tuition dollar is spent. He also questioned the need for expensive amenities. “You’re not going…

96% bloat and rising?

8/17/2010: We’ve reported before on the fact that UO spends 96% of the public research university average on Central Administration, versus only 63% on research. discusses several studies of the general trend: “Administrative bloat” is the cause of rising costs in American higher education, according to a report being…

Bloated administration

8/18/2009: The North Carolina News and Observer has a story about administrative bloat in the NC college system. This decade has been good for associate vice chancellors at UNC-Chapel Hill. Their numbers have nearly doubled, from 10 to 19, and the money paid to them has more than tripled, to…


5/29/2009:A few days ago we got a knowledgeable comment on our claim that the number of senior administrators was increasing. It said we were exaggerating: “this sure looks like a one-for-one replacement, distracting us from the more serious issues of the huge growth in Associate VPs, support staff, and so…