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No police experience?

2/8/2011 update: Liz Denecke responds to our request for a little transparency about the current DPS Director and his two predecessors:

Nice to hear from you. 

As to your first request, the resumes and cover letters from the
employment applications for Richard Turkiewicz, Kevin Williams, and
Douglas Tripp became faculty records once they were hired.  Faculty
records are not public records for the purpose of the public records

Like I’ve said: You don’t like the Eugene PD’s citizen review process? Wait til you see UO’s.

2/4/2011: Who is in running UO? What are they thinking?

I’m not necessarily opposed to an armed UO campus police force. I am opposed to an armed campus police force run by Frances Dyke. Too many lies for me. It’s going to save us $73,000? Isn’t the budget already up 110%? You haven’t decided if they will be armed? Really? Then why spend $1,300 at the shooting range? How much have spent writing the bill and lobbying Prozanski? (And why isn’t Doug Tripp on the Government Ethics Commission’s lobbyist list?)

Aren’t you hiring a new Security Director just for this? How much will that office cost? (Update – actually, that job looks like it’s for an entirely different expansion of DPS – read the ad.)

And is it true Doug Tripp has no actual police experience? That’s what an anonymous commenter claims. Well, let’s find out – and clear up a little history while we’re at it, with an email to UO’s public records officer, Liz Denecke:

This is a a public records request for

a) copies of the resumes and cover letters from the employment applications for the last 3 UO DPS director hires: Richard Turkiewicz, Kevin Williams, and Douglas Tripp

b) copies of the employment applications and cover letters for all applications for the DPS Director of Security position posted at

I ask for a fee waiver on the grounds of public interest. I also ask for speedy service. I can provide evidence for both the public interest and the need for speed, on request. Please respond to each part of this request as soon as you have the relevant documents.

I am ccing Frances Dyke on this, since she did the DPS Director hiring, and someone in her office should have those files, and Doug Tripp since he has the Security Director files.

We will keep you posted on responses. And thanks, anonymous commentator! Good idea.

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