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Where’s Frohnmayer?

4/23/2010: The Daily Emerald, RG and the Oregonian have stories on the Grier firing. The RG includes a picture of the $2.3 million hug – thanks Greg!

Dave Frohnmayer has not yet said a word in public about the Bellotti scandal or about the firing of the woman who served as his legal advisor for 12 years. Obviously Frohnmayer was behind Grier’s many years of stonewalling public records requests, and he had ultimate responsibility for the Bellotti fiasco. So why no interviews with Frohnmayer?

Apparently he’s somewhere in the EU. Given that UO is paying him ~25,000 a month, I wonder if he filled out the required Sabbatical Travel form justifying his absence during the term – or if it is just a vacation? Regardless, the reporters have his (UO paid) cell phone number and his email address. You could also reach him through his second job at Harrang Long Gary Rudnick, Tel: 541.485.0220.

Dave loves to talk to the press, especially when it’s about him. Every story about the verbal agreement mentioned that Lariviere was in China and wouldn’t respond til he returned. But still not even a “no comment” or “unavailable” from man at the root of the fiasco, Dave Frohnmayer?

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