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Oregon Higher Ed legislative links

3/25/2011: The Oregonian has a fabulous website for keeping up with our legislature. Read the bill, the amendments, email the sponsors, see it has made it into/out of committee, listen to the hearings. (You’ll need a real audio player – the internet equivalent of 8-track. Free here.) Here are some of their links to UO and OUS related legislation: SB means Senate, HB means House. I’ll try and update this occasionally.*

Note: Any non-budget bill that did not have a work session scheduled by Friday 4/8 is now dead for this session.

* All comments below consist solely of neutral, factual information, and are not advocacy or lobbying for or against any candidate, ballot measure, or legislative issue. This post was not prepared during work time or using state resources.

These bills are still alive.

Gov. Kitzhaber’s bills to replace OUS and Dr. Pernsteiner Mr. Pernsteiner with a new K-20 “Educational Investment Board”

UO President Lariviere’s proposals to create a free and independent UO Board of Directors focused on improving UO’s academic and research success and our contributions to a healthy, sustainable and diverse Oregon economy, while using private donations to double a modest state funded bond endowment, saving Oregon families and students on their tax and tuition dollars.

OUS Chancellor Pernsteiner’s proposals to centralize authority for higher education in the hands of a careerist mid-level manager without a PhD who was appointed by a disgraced child abusing ex-governor, without a public search, and then blow the state’s tax money on his own inflated salary, mansion, car, extra housing allowance, and undocumented expense accounts.

Campus cops  – with guns and extra-fat PERS. Why did Michael Redding let Frances Dyke suck up the legislature’s limited UO attention span with this distraction?

The in-state tuition for children of illegal immigrants bill, or the “your parents snuck you into the planet’s greatest country illegally then worked their butts off at 3 minimum wage jobs, year after year, paying federal and Oregon taxes and social security they will probably never collect, while you did well enough in HS to get into college despite all these handicaps, plus probably not speaking English at home either, and now you aren’t eligible for any tuition aid but at least Oregon will not try and make you pay out of state tuition as if you were some rich kid from California” act. Any American who votes against this one should be forcibly deported back to whatever lousy country their own ancestors came from, and preferably back in time as well. And most of the legislators from both parties seem to be enjoying making speeches that say that. Heartwarming – and a little surprising. Passed out of committee already.

Public records:
Deadlines and fees:

These bills are now dead:

“Requires community college or state institution of higher education to expel any student convicted of riot.” I would love to know the backstory on this. From Colonel Qadafi?

Senator Peter Courtney’s bill to use state resources and DOJ time to enforce the NCAA’s efforts to exploit college athletes. Your tax dollars at work, so Kelly, Altman and Mullens can get a raise.

No more Jock Box/Arena/Football museum type lease/build deals for Phil Knight. From the construction unions. Uh, you guys sure you’ve thought this all the way through?

Two bills I hadn’t heard about, to create OIT and PSU boards like what Lariviere is asking for. Interesting. The PSU proposal removes PSU from OUS, joins it to OHSU.
OIT Board
PSU Board

Exempts somebody from some sort of state oversight/control. Who knows?

Faculty reporting. Not sure what the point is. Anyone? A commenter suggests the sponsor thinks we aren’t working enough.

Public meetings minutes:

From Kim Thatcher on public records – much stronger and somewhat less coherent than Kroger’s bills.


  1. Anonymous 03/27/2011

    Or (duh!) you can click on the link to the text of the bills via the Oregonlive site. Sorry I hadn’t noticed that before previous comment.

  2. Anonymous 03/29/2011

    So have you checked out the new AAEO plan? Note that the space where the president signs is changed…removed the date signed line. A problem in the past of using the correct date. Note the confidentiality statement…that’s revised if not totally new. I tell ya the Administration must have a lot to hide seems they go way overboard with trying to keep it hid.

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