12/2/2011: The UO students stuck up for the faculty and for the future of UO all this week. Now they are finishing dead week with a vote against the ill-conceived plans of the UO administration to build a new cadillac student union at student expense – but without student input. And they are telling the UO athletic department to get their financial house in order and stop the hidden subsidies – by a 9 to 1 vote. Common sense from our students. Where has their faculty been on these issues for the past 3 years? Raw election results here:
Rockne Andrew Roll of the ODE has the quick summary. I’ll post more later, as the spin develops.
Of course, the ASUO also managed to potentially libel the athletic department by saying the Willie Lyles investigation had already resulted in NCAA violation — so it’s not like the student government has its stuff together either.
True, but I would like to raise another question–in times of economic hardship shouldn’t we be supporting the students and their families by protesting against all these tuition hikes? In one wants a political alliance, one should realize it cuts both ways.
Maybe the new partnership should be students and faculty? We do have a few common interests after all.
I agree. Unless we stop the administrative bloat car allowances, hiring consultants at the drop of a hat, giving the athletics department a big pass on paying its fair share, we are going to drive costs to the roof.