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Jim Bean’s leadership on faculty pay

10/21/2012: The video of the 2009 furlough meeting where Interim Provost Bean tried to convince the faculty to take a 5% pay cut is here. What did the furlough cost Bean personally? Before the furlough he was making $295,000. He took a 6% furlough cut – more than the troops. But he went off the furlough just 3 months later, after giving up $4,425 total. He then immediately got a raise to $306,800. By the end of the year he was up $5,900 in new salary from that raise.

So Bean made $1,475 off of the furlough pay cuts, net, for 2009 alone. By a rough guess the furloughs cost the ~225 faculty and OA’s who fell for Bean’s spiel about $250,000. That’s some sort of leadership alright.

For the quarter ending 2/28/2009:

ending 5/31/2009:

ending 8/31/2009:


  1. Anonymous 10/22/2012


  2. Anonymous 10/22/2012

    Jealous of someone who has managed to find a way to soak the U of O for a fat check and fancy wheels, while you have to settle for doing the people’s public records requests in exchange for a for a bottle or two, perhaps? Don’t you get it? Public service is about getting yours, and the UO has proven that its administrators are in the column of those what gets it.

    A wise man once said (as a punchline), “Silly Rabbi, kicks are for Trids.”

  3. Beliver in Education 10/23/2012

    As you can see in various articles of this blog…Once corruption infects its target there is little to nothing anyone can do to stop it. Like an ugly cancer that kills the target and cares none.

    I say let the corruption have its way and let all our honest, upstanding, caring faculty leave and find a new home with more integrity than this shit hole has at the moment. This place no longer deserves the caliber of faculty it has, they have insulted, belittled, and trashed the faculty at every opportunity they could. To top off the corruption, the administration (for their own personal gain) have sold the University to the highest bidder.

    Our faculty, OA’s and classified staff…don’t diverse to be treated this way. They haven’t committed themselves to the University for their personal gain but for their commitment to education.

    The administration should have shame for the disease they have infected this institution with…but then that would be assuming they have a moral compass…which we all know….

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