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UO to sell Treetops, the Home for Unwanted Administrators

The history of Treetops is a fascinating one – see these earlier posts for details. About 5 years ago UO finally bought out the heirs and established clear title. Pres Schill never got around to deciding what to do with it, but Pres Scholz is going to do the right thing: Sell it to the highest bidder and use the proceeds for faculty raises  more raises for his senior administrators. Here’s the Zillow Ad:

For reasons I should probably not put in writing Zillow thinks that I own Treetops, so they let me see how much interest there is – pretty much!

Don’t worry Kevin, I’m not going to try and get a HELOC on it.


  1. charlie 02/09/2025

    Is the joint near a hybrid bus stop?? Where’s EV recharge plug?? Or is Green New Deal so 2022??!

  2. ODA 02/10/2025

    If you can afford it that price is a steal. The State kept this house in Tip Top, Tree Top shape. It still has 1910’s craftsmanship that hasn’t been ripped out and turned to ash because some dumb ass flipper over the last hundred years thought it was not in vogue, while the kitchen was redone to the level of an industry kitchen. Tree Tops has to be better than the Current Presidents house. I am sorry to see it go.

    If the heirs got a million or so that means this place will be sold for less than? 2 Gotts? or less than 3 years of CFO pay accounting for 10% annual raises… Or less than 2 including OPE (other payroll expenses).

    Unless it is protected it will make a great place to plow in a couple hundred of those MDF boxes (like down on Olive or behind the Holiday Inn.

  3. uomatters Post author | 02/10/2025

    It’s a grand old house. It’s perfect for parties. Huge, lovely porches. Many guest rooms on the third floor for those too enthusiastic to drive home safely. Large carriage house. Presumably some Duck Sports enthusiast will buy it. I’m surprised the Zillow ad doesn’t mention the chest of Alaskan gold nuggets that Campbell Church buried in the basement – I remember seeing the map in the UO archives I had, but Doug Park made me delete them all.

  4. Jeremy Bentham 02/11/2025

    Is that the Route de Marquise above the fireplace? The codpiece on Henry VIII is no joke.

  5. Vincent 02/24/2025

    Will they carry a note? :-)

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