Location: EMU 145 & 146 (Crater Lake rooms) 3:00 – 5:00 P.M. Live cast here.
Senators got an email today from Pres Skowron, allowing them to participate on-line. Good call.
3:00 P.M. Call to Order
- Introductory Remarks; Senate President Elizabeth Skowron
3:10 P.M. Approval of the Minutes
3:11 P.M. State of the University
- Provost Patrick Phillips
- Coronavirus planning, updates; Andre LeDuc (CRO/AssocVP Safety & Risk Services), Cass Mosely (Sr Assoc Vice Pres Research), Ron Bramhall (Assoc Vice Prov Academic Exec)
3:30 Report on Teaching Eval progress
- Scheduling adjustment –> 3:30 P.M., CIET/CAIT: Sierra Dawson (Assoc VP Academic Affairs), Lee Rumbarger (Assist Vice Provost TEP), Janet Woodruff-Borden (Exec Vice Provost for Academic Affairs)
3:45 P.M. New Business
- Vote: US19/20-11: Approval of Curriculum Report, Winter Term 2020; Frances White (UOCC)
- Updates: Research Commission; Elliot Berkman, Psychology & Senate VP
- Updates: Test Optional Admissions; Janet Woodruff-Borden (Exec Vice Provost for Academic Affairs) & Jim Rawlins (Asst VP, Director of Admissions)
4:20 P.M. Open Discussion
- Updates: Search Guidelines for Academic Administrator Positions
4:40 P.M. Reports
- Open Access; David Condon, Psychology
4:55 P.M. Notice(s) of Motion
4:56 P.M. Other Business
- Legislative Updates; Melanie Muenzer
5:00 P.M. Adjourn
This relates to another post I just made on this issue.
I would hope that the discussion of University response to the health crisis will focus among other things on the Olympic trials. This is an issue that directly addresses the university’s obligations to its own community. Holding the Olympic trials will bring tens of thousands of outsiders into the community, with a special impact on the south Eugene neighborhood its stores, restaurants, etc. upon which residence rely. I would ask that someone on the Senate raise this issue if it is not already on the agenda.
Good question. I’ll ask Patrick at the meeting. Given the language I see in the IMG contract, I’d be worried that UO has some uninsured financial risk if we or the USOC decides to cancel or limit spectators to those with a spot in The Phildo.
Presumably financial considerations are not dictating the decision about other matters, like study abroad programs, etc. We have been told that if the CDC raises the risk level to level III that is the end of the matter. There doesn’t seem to be a proviso if there for negative financial impact. But that is the issue here – – Is the University adm making the decision on financial grounds or health grounds?
As an economist, I certainly hope that financial grounds are part of the decision. I also hope that UO does not have so much financial exposure that the finances dominate.
Bring the athletes in now but quarantine them once they arrive in Eugene.
Don’t allow out of city fans to come unless they arrive before the event starts to quarantine
The IMG contract should contain a force majeure clause to deal exactly with situations like this. If it doesn’t, and I would find it astonishing if it doesn’t, questions should be raised about who is drawing up these contracts for the university.
It does, see https://uomatters.com/2020/03/ducks-branding-contract-lets-img-cut-payments-if-we-cancel-games.html Looks to me like UO bears all the costs, but I’m not a lawyer.