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State Legislator’s Guide to College Access

12/21/2009: Here’s an interesting report on what states and universities can do to “improve college access and success for underrepresented students.” UO’s plan – dump $2 million a year on Charles Martinez and his do nothing Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity so they can prepare reports on plans – does not make their shortlist:

NCSL’s The Path to a Degree: A Legislator’s Guide to College Access and Success contains six briefs written for state legislators that provide an overview of key issues, discuss research findings, and offer examples of specific state action that can improve college access and success for underrepresented students.

The brief on college planning strategies highlights efforts by states such as Delaware, Kentucky and Washington. Policies in California, Colorado and Texas regarding high school standards, graduation requirements, and college-ready assessments are examined in the brief on college and workforce readiness. Indiana, Massachusetts and Oklahoma are featured in the brief on financial aid strategies to improve college affordability. And in the brief on college success strategies, Arkansas, Illinois and South Carolina are highlighted as states supporting evidence-based college success programs at their higher education institutions.

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