The Ducks’ apparel contract with Nike give the coaches $100K worth Nikes, free, in lieu of cash that UO could have got for the academic side:
One of our student readers reports that he got an email saying Dana Altman will give away a pair of his stash to some lucky student at tonight’s game, as thanks for the $1.7M in mandatory student i-fees that ASUO pays the Ducks for tickets. For more on UO’s lousy apparel deal with Nike, read Matthew Kish in the Portland Business Journal.
If you’re not a student, you can get a ticket for $6 on stubhub:
That’s right, this guy is more popular on the UO campus than Duck basketball:
2/25/2016: The market price for watching Dana Altman falls below $0
UO’s student government pays the Duck athletic department about $1.7M for sports tickets, then gives them away to UO students.
At P=$0 football ticket demand exceeds the supply (at least until half-time). But most students won’t touch Duck basketball tickets. Altman’s already moved the band into the student section to try to fill it up, and soon he’ll have to start paying our students to watch:
Or maybe he’ll try trolling the frats again?
The regular fans don’t seem much happier. A UO Matters coffee cup for the best answer to this question from my microeconomics principles midterm:
And yes, the NCAA cartel *will* be on the final.
It is not surprising that this is the case. Some would call it Karma. I am often offered free tickets but I won’t take them and it’s not because I don’t like basketball. It is because of the character of Mr. Altman. Who can support someone whose decision making (or lack of decision making) likely caused harm to another student? Another overhaul needed here.
If enrollment for a course is low then the course is cancelled.
I may be wrong, but I think the general public has forgotten the rape scandal. People just don’t like the new arena. It’s cold, sterile and impersonal. the RG’s Austin Meek had a column about it this week.
It’s not the same college basketball anymore – when people came and left, it felt like community on the stairways, it never felt as empty because of the steep sections, and it was loud… without fancy speakers.
I think even during Kent’s last (awful) season the atmosphere was better. It was a unique place from a “forgotten time“.
I’m waiting for the day they have to pay students to attend. That’d be poetic justice….
The day is closer than you think. I am a student, and I just received an email advertising that a pair of Jordans will be raffled to students at the UW Men’s basketball game Sunday…
Sounds like Altman is “disappointed” in attendance.