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Pres Scholz to make faculty pay offer in bargaining today 5/16 at 12:30

His last offer was another round of real pay cuts. How insulting will he be today? Show up or zoom in to find out. Of course he won’t be there himself, he’s got people to do that for him.


  1. UO Matters 05/16/2024

    Scholz to Faculty: Drop Dead. No real changes to previous offer of 3% merit pool for each of three years.

  2. thedude 05/16/2024

    Appears this is a game of chicken. Whoever blinks first will give up the most.

    Counter offer same thing as our last offer (or increase it).

    • cdsinclair 05/21/2024

      Can’t increase our proposal, but there’s no plan to back down from where we are.

      It is indeed a game of chicken, and admin doesn’t seem to understand how pissed off people are, and they’d rather waste a lot of faculty time (and good will) prepping for a strike than have us actively engaged instructors and researchers. Seems like a weird choice for a new president to force a strike, but whatevs, I guess he wants to continue the tradition of UO presidents with terrible political instincts.

  3. honest Uncle Bernie 05/16/2024

    I told this to my bro in law in Deep Red America. He explaiened “Don’t worry Trump will get inflation down quick and those 3% raises will be real increases.”

  4. caufee 05/16/2024

    The entire working world is experiencing real wage increases, and the UO recommits to losses for its faculty? This is a call to strike if there ever was one.

    Can the union please communicate with the membership so we’re informed and ready to strike when legally able to?

    • cdsinclair 05/21/2024

      On it.

  5. Nathan 05/17/2024

    You cannot increase your previous counteroffer. That is called regressive bargaining and is not compliant with the law.

  6. caufee 05/24/2024

    As an economist, you’d think Scholz would recognize that language is policy. His recent “No, I actually meant 3%-3%-3%” is being pointed at in now-two Assistant Profs in my department making moves to leave the UO.

    – This place doesn’t suck. But it’s close enough to sucking that even your language and posture in bargaining matter.
    – Nobody is here to make money. But we get paid little enough that your stupid game? The same you played with GEs? That matters, too.

    Oh, and calling on campus to celebrate your investiture? Do you include faculty in “campus” at all? Do you want us to look the other way for this little shindig you have planned, celebrating your 700k? Read the room a little, maybe.

    • UO Matters Post author | 05/24/2024

      Spot on.

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