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Students harass Scholz’s neighbors because he won’t condemn Israel

Full disclosure: When I was young I also did some dumb things late at night, but I do wonder about the thought process that led them to decide this made sense.  In the Daily Emerald:

According to a statement by EPD Public Information officer Melinda McLaughlin, “at 1:55 a.m. on May 15, Eugene Police responded to reports of 15 or more protesters drumming and chanting in the yard of a Fairmont-area home. UOPD also responded. One unknown male individual was noted to have committed trespass. No enforcement action was taken.”

Protestors allegedly left behind flyers throughout the neighborhood apologizing for the loud noise but said that their neighbor, Scholz, would not condemn Israeli military actions in Gaza.

I’ll add that in general I’ve heard nothing but positive things about the care the students at the encampment have been doing to avoid this sort of thing.

One Comment

  1. honest Uncle Bernie 05/16/2024

    This kind of stuff isn’t endearing UO to people whose support it wants. I dare say even among Fairmount neighbors. Let alone among more typical areas.

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