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Former UO VP for Research Kimberly Espy adds to long trail

It’s been 10 years since Espy left UO. Many of those who had to deal with her have moved on or retired – but they still haven’t forgotten. Thanks to a reader for passing on the latest trail droppings, now 6 months or so old. Just two months after her investiture as Pres of Wayne State, the faculty was debating a no confidence vote:

From The South End, March 2024:

Wayne State President Kimberly Andrews Espy, Ph.D., was formally invested to the University on March 18 at the Detroit Institute of Arts. A dozen Detroit and WSU community leaders welcomed her, and Espy gave a speech about a new Prosperity Agenda.

Paul Kaufmann, Ph.D., Espy’s husband of 35 years, spoke about Espy’s journey from a girl who grew up in Cincinnati to becoming president of WSU. Her family of seven children came from across the country to be at the event.

“Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote, ‘do not go where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.’ And that is exactly what President Kimberly Espy has done throughout her entire career,” Kaufmann said. …

And from the Detroit Metro Times, just 2 months later:

Wayne State faculty demand President Espy’s resignation after student protest encampment raid

One professor says the violence against students will be ‘a tragic and dark stain in the history of this institution’


  1. Knox Harrington 10/16/2024

    Where was the trigger warning? The mention of that name re-traumatizes us all. She lasts two years in a place, trashes it, and then gets promoted elsewhere, leaving a trail of bodies in her wake (the husband is spot on about that trail). From VPR, to Provost, to Pres. With Espy there, Trump’s recent remarks about Detroit may not be as far off as I initially thought. I just hope she doesn’t reproduce. Oh, wait…

    • uomatters 10/16/2024

      And there’s a clue about how she got the UO job in the first place:

      “Esteemed colleague describes President Espy’s leadership, commitment to scholarship and service at investiture”

      That esteemed colleague is UO’s Geri Richmond:

      “Most trailblazers don’t have time to think about those who will walk in their path. Kimberly Andrews Espy, Ph.D., and Geraldine Richmond, Ph.D., are not most trailblazers.

      With impressive careers building to their current roles — Dr. Espy is Wayne State University’s president and Dr. Richmond serves as the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Under Secretary for Science and Innovation — both women remain steadfastly committed to supporting and uplifting the next generation of leaders through equitable, inclusive education. Accomplished scientists and analytical thinkers, the pair also share a holistic view of the role research — and higher education in general — play in improving lives and society.”

      Where does she find the PR Flacks to write this stuff about her? North Korea?

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