7/24/2011: Ron Mullens and his Executive Senior Associate Athletic Director for Finance and Administration Jamie Moffit brag about “zero-based budgeting” for the athletic department in today’s George Schroeder piece. Where did I last hear about zero-based budgeting? Oh, yeah, right. Jimmy Carter.
Get real. The AD budget has grown 50% over 4 years, you are going to increase it again this year, and you have increased the amount you take from the tuition of regular students for your athlete-only tutoring program to nearly $2 million. Now you are making the academic side pay for your NCAA cover-up. Let’s not get into parking. And you are still talking about sustainable self-sufficiency?
If you go by what people do, not by what they say, the plan is to loot every dollar possible from the Ducks for athletic department salaries. Then the people in charge will move on to another university and repeat.
Don’t forget the Emerald article with the graph on alumni giving. It has soared in recent years — with all of the increase going to athletics. Oh, and don’t forget that new alumni building. Pathetic what it all says about UO, including its boosters.