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UO’s new Chief PR Flack Carol Keese to replace “Around the 0”

Around the O is the official UO blog created in 2013 by Journalism Dean Tim Gleason on orders from Interim President Bob Berdahl in an attempt to replace UO Matters as the most popular source of news about UO. To boost readership they spammed everyone every few days, and when that didn’t work they tried gimmicks like free iPads to readers. Now Carol Reese, UO’s latest Chief PR Flack Vice President for Communications & Chief Marketing Officer, has decided that Around the O needs a redo, presumably to justify a bigger budget. Link to survey below.

My own thought is that it’s more than a little unseemly  for a university that is ostensibly devoted to the search for truth to spend tuition money hiring PR flacks to make the administrators look good – but I didn’t see a likert scale for that among the questions.

Dear Reader,
University Communications at the University of Oregon would like your opinion and a few minutes of your time to help improve the effectiveness of campus news and storytelling.
The final edition of the Around the O newsletter went out July 17. Current and recent Oregon news stories are available on the Oregon news page.
Now we’re hard at work developing a new and improved newsletter – and we need your help.
This survey takes about 7-9 minutes to complete. You will be asked questions about the kinds of topics, stories, and information you would like to see in a newsletter, set to debut this fall.
The results of the survey will be reported to the University Communications in aggregate form, and you will not be identified by name.
If you have questions about this survey, please contact me at [email protected]
Thank you in advance for helping University Communications tell the Oregon story.
To begin the survey, click on the following link or copy and paste the link into your browser.
Take the survey


  1. honest Uncle Bernie 07/26/2024

    My favorite was when they announced solicitations to teach Honors College courses solely on Around the O. As if it was inderstood as the source of official UO business. Instead of sending announcements to our email accounts.

  2. Jeff Doe 08/14/2024

    At this point UONews at least better than the drivel being posted on here. UOMatters is not the same without Harbaugh, and if I were Harbaugh I’d be ashamed to be associated with what has happened to this site.


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