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UO faculty work to address sexual assault problems

Hannah Golden has the story in the ODE. This quote will resonate with every professor who keeps a box tissues in their desk drawer:

Administrative rules requiring faculty to report sexual [assault or harassment] can cause a feeling of discomfort and helplessness for university employees in her position. Stabile quoted a colleague saying: “How many times can you sit in a room with a student and all you can do is push a box of tissues across a table?”

What is the UO administration doing? Who knows. Dave Hubin and PR Director Lisa Thornton are sitting on the public records request, until the Emerald pays them off:

Screen Shot 2014-03-05 at 11.10.42 PM

Ms Thornton’s process for approving a public interest fee waiver is a bit odd, and apparently she has never, ever, approved one. Right Dave?


  1. daffy duck 03/06/2014

    On a slightly related topic, did UOM get the bizarre memo from the VP for “enrollment management” about the new requirement to report the last day of attendance of each student who drops a class or does not pass? He even ends his memo by saying this is not a requirement to take attendance at each class. (Imagine doing that with 200 or 400 students!)

    Are they completely losing touch with reality or am I missing something?

    • Anonymous 03/06/2014

      I read that memo as “this is too much work for us to do so we’re going to make you do it instead.”

    • Anonymous 03/06/2014

      I have no clue how they expect us to do this, assuming we are inclined to go along with it at all. I’ll write code to upload the date of the last assignment submitted. If it’s any more costly than that and I’m out.

    • observer 03/09/2014

      Don’t know if you’re missing anything, but the idea of attendance/enrollment management brings to mind the whole issue of tracking, basically surveilling, K-12 students. This weird bill passed last year with most of it’s support in the Senate, directed the State Board of Ed to adopt standards for school districts wishing to implement policies for student tracking … “management”? Oregon is the only state so far being this … uh … progressive. Of course it would be for “safety”, and lots of business $$ for those positioned to take advantage … what could go wrong?

  2. WTF 03/07/2014

    We pay a lot of money to enrollment management to MANAGE ENROLLMENT!

    I’m done doing administrative work without the requisite administrative pay. This nonsense will die on the vine if we all do the same.

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