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Job Announcement

11/18/2009: UO is running an open search for a new Vice Provost for International Affairs. So far as we can tell, this is the second time we have had an open public search for a senior administrator in about 4 years. First Brad Shelton, now this. Of the current crop,…

Who has Tenure?

11/11/2009: We reported earlier on Provost Bean’s refusal to tell the FPC committee chair who had been given tenure or see the letters he wrote justifying his decisions. We assumed that Bean’s unprecedented attempt to keep information on who had been given tenure from falling into the hands of UO’s…

Provost Bean’s Senate numbers are wrong: UO’s senior administrators are overpaid.

When using identical and comparable institutions: UO senior administrators are paid 120% of their peers. UO full professors are paid 81% of their peers. Scroll down for spreadsheets. Comparison institutions are all public and private PhD granting institutions from the Chronicle of Higher Ed. This is the comparison group UO…


10/8/2009: We’ve heard that Provost Bean has decided to reduce the weight given to research and teaching and boost the importance of administrative service in considering promotions to full professor. Another rumor is that Diversity VP Charles Martinez – given tenure last year – will be promoted to full professor…

Frohnmayer joins law firm

9/17/2009: Times are tough for UO faculty, what with salaries stuck at 80% of those at Missouri. Lots of us are looking around for something on the side, to make ends meet. Apparently former Pres Frohnmayer is now in the same boat. And his golden parachute contract – which pays…

Troubling news

6/26/2009: Incoming President Lariviere’s has announced a “reorganization” of the President’s office. It’s his office, and we have been trying to avoid second guessing, but what the hell: Lariviere is promoting VProvost Charles Martinez to VPresident – despite Martinez’s long and flagrant history of violating UO’s rules about conflict of…

Administrative reorganization?

6/18/2009: From the HR website: Richard Lariviere, Incoming President, wishes to announce a reorganization within the President’s Office. The reorganization is necessary to ensure a smooth transition in leadership that is as seamless as possible and will allow the business of the university to move forward quickly and effectively during…


6/2/2009: OSLC has now released its latest IRS form. Page 20 shows that UO Diversity VP Charles Martinez has continued with his second job there, working 25 hours per week off campus – I think this makes 3 straight years, ranging from 25 to 29 hours per weak. This blows…


5/31/2009: Greg Bolt has an article in the RG on overcomittment problems at UO. He mentions Edward Kame’enui’s $400,000 from Reading First, but not the $200,000 of UO money Melinda Grier spent lobbying the congressional committee (one invoice here) to get that investigation closed. Or so the timeline suggests. Charles…


5/29/2009:A few days ago we got a knowledgeable comment on our claim that the number of senior administrators was increasing. It said we were exaggerating: “this sure looks like a one-for-one replacement, distracting us from the more serious issues of the huge growth in Associate VPs, support staff, and so…

underpaid administrators

5/14/2009: At yesterday’s UO Senate meeting Provost Bean spent a long time talking about “misinformation spread by blogs.” We are happy to hear he’s been reading UO Matters, and we welcome his response to our comments on his speech: He refused to repudiate his Furlough meeting claim that UO’s Admin…