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Who will be Governor?

10/21/2010: The Lariviere’s are splitting their bets, 50% on each. Plus $200 to Tedd Wheeler, the Treasurer who just said no to Lariviere’s restructuring plan debt. Persteiner is putting his money down on the Democrats, as are most U of O employees. The Nike crowd, on the other hand, is spending some serious money on Dudley. You can get learn more at the SOS website, here. Very transparent, but it must be running on an 80286.

The NYTimes gives Kitzhaber a 2 to 1 chance – but they’ve been all over the graph:

Who will be better for UO? No idea.

In terms of income for professors and staff, PERS decisions will matter more than anything else. These will be driven by the math, not the politics. Math has no mercy.

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