11/10/2010: You can’t make this shit up. From Ken Goe of the Oregonian, link courtesy of the Commentator. We should all thank UW Athletic Director Scott Woodward for bringing some attention to the embarrassing imbalance between UO’s athletic extravaganza and our academic mission.
This is supposed to be UO President Lariviere’s job. So, now the UW President is making Woodward write Lariviere a personal apology. I’m no English professor, but I think they call that irony. Or maybe just sad.
But wait – it gets absurd again. The previous UW President, Mark Emmert, left this year for a fat raise as NCAA head. And it turns out UW’s (interim) President Phyllis Wise, who made Woodward apologize for saying what is obvious to everyone
“… it is a shame that the whole enterprise (UO academics) isn’t benefiting (from the athletic success) …
is on the Nike corporate board. I think that’s called chutzpah. Not that I’m a cynic.
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