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State worker pay to increase ~6% per year

8/4/2013. From Harry Esteve in the Oregonian. 1.5% then 2% ATB, plus annual 4.5% steps for those who haven’t topped out. Plus an end to the furloughs for a onetime increase of about 5%, though of course less time off. The contract for UO staff is separate, and SEIU is still bargaining with OUS on it.

For the UO faculty, the most recent administration proposal is ~11%, spread out over 3 years, or ~3.5% a year. The faculty union’s most recent proposal was for ~14.5%, or a bit less than 5% per year. President Gottfredson’s position is that UO has already spent the money for faculty raises on other things, and can’t afford more than 3.5% per year.


  1. Anonymous 08/04/2013

    This pretty much says it all.

  2. Mr. Ed 08/04/2013

    The state government is newly flush with money, relatively speaking. For things like K-12 which made out very well. Not higher ed, which again got cut as share of state budget. Even the small injection at the end of the session all goes for tuition relief, not faculty salaries.

    Sorry, but Oregon just doesn’t care about higher ed. Especially faculty salaries. Never has, never will.

  3. Anonymous 08/05/2013

    Tangential Dog amplifying on “pretty much says it all”

    Inter Office Memo

    To: All UO Employees
    Subject: Special High intensity Training

    In order to insure that we continue to produce the highest quality work and educational produce possible, it will be our new policy to keep all employees well trained through our new program of Special High Intensity Training (S.H.I.T.). In fact we are now giving our employees more S.H.I.T. than any other University in the country.

    If you feel that you are not receiving your share of S.H.I.T. on the job, please see your immediate supervisor, if you have one. If not, your S.H.I.T. of out luck, if so, you will be placed at the top of the S.H.I.T. list for special attention. All of our supervisors are particularly well qualified (having previously gone through the S.H.I.T) and will see to it that you get all the S.H.I.T. you can handle.

    If you consider yourself to already be sufficiently trained, you may be interested in helping us to train others. We can add your name to our Basic Understanding List (for) Special High Intensity Training (B.U.L.L. S.H.I.T.).

    If you have any further programmatic questions please address them to our Head of Training (H.O.T. S.H.I.T.).

    Thank you.


    Boss in General, Special High Intensity Training (B.I.G. S.H.I.T.)

    P.S. For you enthusiastic ones, please apply for our new position as
    Director (of) Intensity Programming (D.I.P. S.H.I.T.)

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