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College presidents are delusional about sex assaults, athletic spending

Sure, it’s a national problem, but not on *our* campus. From the 2015 InsideHigherEd survey of college presidents, via, with thanks to an anonymous reader:

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Back in 2012 the survey asked about athletics. College presidents also thought athletic spending and control were big problems – at other colleges, that is.  Only 25% of D-I presidents thought other presidents were in control of their athletics programs, but 87% were sure they themselves were in control of their own athletics programs. Sure you are:

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  1. Anas Clypeata 03/15/2015

    And that’s the news from Lake Wobegon State University, where all of the upper administrators are overpaid, all the athletic departments are self-supporting, and all of the sexual assault is happening somewhere else….

    • Fishwrapper 03/15/2015

      When I read that, I nearly spit out a mouthful of Powdermilk Biscuits. I think it is irresponsible and rude, and it misses the mark, to associate Lake Wobegon in any way with a place where upper administrators etc….

      • Anas Clypeata 03/15/2015

        Well, I thought it would be unkind to say something about the children and their statistical variation around the mean, so I picked some targets that are more acceptable around here.

        I meant no disrespect to the fine people of Lake Wobegon, Powdermilk Biscuits, the Guy’s All-Star Shoe Band, the Moonlight Bay Supper Club, or the Ketchup Advisory Board.

  2. just different 03/15/2015

    The biggest and most worrisome discrepancy of the 2012 survey is missing from the bar chart: Only 25.2% of D-I presidents thought other presidents were in control of their athletics programs, but 86.7% were really sure they themselves were in control of their own athletics programs.

    • uomatters Post author | 03/15/2015

      Thanks, I added that to the text.

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