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Have you tried telling them the midterm is next week?


  1. honest Uncle Bernie 02/06/2018

    They come little enough to faculty office hours, I am told. I can’t imagine them wanting to hang out with administrators, where there are no grades on the line. Maybe Schill himself could draw some in. Faculty too. “Mike, can we talk about the Bach Festival?” I’m sure he would love it.

  2. wuttodo 02/06/2018

    The disconnect is that students don’t need to know who administrators are. Administrators should be busy supervising teams of staff who themselves may or may not intetact with students. The problem is we have hoardes of administrators that don’t supervise anyone or anything, and need to make up a raison d’etre. Students could care less.

    • woop 02/06/2018

      Exactly. Administrators, especially top ones, see themselves as the purpose of the university. Not education/students, not faculty/research/teaching, not classified/supporting students/faculty/research/everything.

      Since many/most have few or no actual workers to supervise, they need to make themselves ever more important — houses in meetings to make up vision statements and strategic plans (involving no students, no workers), adding overloads worth $ and status (more titles), covering up the rampant sexism, harassment, racism.

      • uomatters Post author | 02/06/2018

        This is a ridiculous caricature of administrators, most of whom work very hard and effectively to keep the university functioning and to help out our students.

        • wuttodo 02/06/2018

          And don’t forget to recognize our Spousal administrative hires, who i’m told also frequently show up to work and are very important.

        • honest Uncle Bernie 02/06/2018

          UOM — I agree that administrators work long and hard, and often perform essential functions.

          But what about the issues of “administrative” staff proliferating far faster than faculty, to the probable detriment of the latter, with associated costs? You have sometimes featured data related to this. Is this a fake issue, or is it real? I see far too little attention directed to this question in UO circles.

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