For strike updates check the faculty union page here.
The Daily Emerald has been doing a great job covering campus matters this year – e.g. this story on the SOJC Dean’s travel expenditures, and other investigations here.
For President Scholz’s take on UO’s finances check
Some evidence of Scholz’s reluctance to admit how much of UO’s money he blew on this is below the break – and hell no I didn’t pay GC Kevin Reed and VP for Communication and Marketing Carol Keese $1373.54.
Dear Mr. Harbaugh,
The office estimates responding to your request for “for a copy of any documents showing the cost of researching, writing, designing and posting the website at Examples of the documents I’m seeking would be invoices from outside firms, and/or timesheets or calendars showing the names and hours of UO employees who worked on the project” will require the following:
Department | Rate | Hours | Total |
Office of the General Counsel | $318.76 | 1.00 | $318.76 |
Communication | $151.37 | 2.00 | $302.74 |
Communication | $250.68 | 3.00 | $752.04 |
$1,373.54 |
Upon receipt of a check made payable to the University of Oregon for that amount, the office will proceed to locate, copy, and provide the records you have requested that are not exempt from disclosure. Your check may be sent to the attention of Office of Public Records, 6207 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-6207.
Please note that if the cost of preparing the documents for you is less than the estimate, we will refund the difference. If the cost of preparing the records for you exceeds the estimate, however, you may be charged for the difference. Following is an outline of how costs are determined.
The office will provide the documents electronically to avoid a copy fee of 25 cents per page. The office also charges for the actual cost of making public records available. The charge includes, but is not limited to, staff costs for locating, gathering, summarizing, compiling, reviewing, tailoring, or redacting the public records to respond to a request. The charge may also include the cost of time spent by an attorney in reviewing the public records, redacting material from the public records, or segregating the public records into exempt and nonexempt records.
The cost of time for each employee is calculated by multiplying the employee’s hourly wage calculation (including benefits expenses) by the hours or portions thereof necessary to locate, gather, summarize, compile, tailor, review, redact, segregate, certify or attend the inspection of the public records requested.
Thank you for contacting us with your request.
Office of Public Records
6207 University of Oregon | Eugene, OR 97403-6207
(541) 346-6823 | [email protected]
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