Or if he does he’s not saying it to RG reporter Miranda Cyr, whose report on the lack of progress on salary in mediation is here. In fact he didn’t even talk to her; our philosopher-provost has spokespeople to do that for him. A snippet:
… yada yada.
It’s really astounding how inept these guys are at addressing the most fundamental issues in the academy, i.e. the apparent ramping down the role of academic activity. As seen in that damning graphic and the background anout its meaning.
I must be one of the last person who would join a faculty [strike] among tenure professors. I think it would permanently damage a place that already looks kind of ragged.
But. Are they asking for it? What the hell do they want?
Strike for your colleagues if not for yourself!
I’ve been here some 30 years, and I cannot state enough how disappointed, inept, and clueless the upper Admins hired in recent years are. My Department will possibly (very likely) be looking for a new Dept Head this winter/spring. A junior colleague asked the Dean at our faculty meeting in December what his vision for the Dept was going forward, and there was NOTHING but crickets chirping in response. UO Leadership has ZERO vision other than what makes money and what is the next notch up their administrative ladder aspirations. God help us….