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Will Duck AD Ron Mullens hire a Harbaugh disciple to replace Matt Helfrich?

Last updated on 12/04/2016

I have no idea. The cousins aren’t talking. thinks it’s a good idea, so sure. Yes, the NCAA graduation rates for WKU and FSU fell after Taggart took over, but whatever, he’s family:



  1. UOGrad 12/03/2016

    The way Mullens treated Helfrich is shameful. All the money aside, leaving him swinging in the wind for days and having him face a news conference without knowing his future and then having the official news release throw him under the bus shows the true colors of our win at any cost athletic program. If I were Helfrich, I would go fishing for the next few years so UO had to pay me the full $11 million.

    • Won't someone think of the millionaires? 12/04/2016

      …this is what you find shameful?

      There are dozens of UO football players right now who don’t know if they will receive a scholarship next year or will have to drop out of college for lack of finances (not to mention the many high-school students who wonder if their verbal scholarship offers will be honored), yet you choose to sympathize with a millionaire white man who had to wait a few days to see whether or not he will actually have to work for a six figure paycheck?

      At least your priorities seem to be aligned with the “unofficial rules” of the NCAA.

      • uomatters Post author | 12/04/2016

        Right on. Contact our swag office for your complimentary UO Matters coffee cup.

      • More in Eugene 12/04/2016

        Wish I could uprate this 100x.

        Helfrich is a very rich man, a mediocre coach, and a terrible leader.

        Don’t buy the rosy face on this change put out by UO PR hacks and carefully chosen players allowed to speak to the media. The story from instead the team is that a huge portion of the athletes, not a majority but dozens nonetheless, lost their respect for nearly the entire coaching staff.

        Forget the Ws and Ls, it is a total breakdown on the other aspects of his job, from leading student athletes to leading his staff.

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