on transparency, he’s actually called a town-hall meeting to discuss his school’s budget issues and how he plans to deal with them. And he even emailed his students an invitation with the details.
on transparency, he’s actually called a town-hall meeting to discuss his school’s budget issues and how he plans to deal with them. And he even emailed his students an invitation with the details.
Do they do all this shit in the various units at OSU, or do they just dictate from the top and tell everyone to shut up?
Student protests interrupting a Board of Trustees meeting notwithstanding, most units on campus, up to an including Ed Ray’s office routinely solicit feedback from, ahem, stakeholders as they grasp at and grapple with issues and decisions. The most impressive example of this that I recall was the campus-wide conversation Ed Ray continued to keep an open discussion that led up to the independent board.