Just kidding, of course they didn’t do that. Wouldn’t want the faculty to get the mistaken impression anyone cares what they think.
Zach Demers has the story in the Daily Emerald, including their letter to Governor Brown, and the news that Ann Curry is stepping down:
Governor to appoint eight members to UO board of trustees
I thought that boards were designed to limit the turnover in any given year and spread appointments over time and administrations (Governors). This is to maintain a more even governance and not wipsaw between extremes or worse (better?) yet just be a rubber stamp to move political agendas for the current administration (Kits/Goldschmidt). Also, in my most humble opinion the statutory faculty senate, should fight to have the right to nominate the faculty rep–since they really have no power anyway, it would be better than just having another yes man… Or three! When added to the student and classified staff. In fact it would be refreshing to see these three groups band together and shut down the board until the rules and procedures at least look a little more like actual representation on behalf of the faculty, classified staff, and student.. Instead of three smiling cardboard cutouts that can’t even perform the duties of a bench warmers.
The governor has already made it clear she does not care who you nominate. When the student seat resigned, she just appointed one of her donor’s kids rather than the student nominee. Good luck!