If you’re not familiar with Sci-Hub, here’s an NYT op-ed, and here are the current links for access:
The latest Sci-Hub working domain (Last check time:2019-03-09 01:13:01)
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— lovescihub (@scihub_love) March 8, 2019
“The real people to blame are the leaders of the scientific community — Nobel scientists, heads of institutions, the presidents of universities — who are in a position to change things but have never faced up to this problem in part because they are beneficiaries of the system,” said Dr. Eisen. “University presidents love to tout how important their scientists are because they publish in these journals.”
this is precisely why I don’t get touted
Dogs only publish in the Journal of Incremental Knowledge
to learn more about this entire enterprise
The University of California just ended all of its subscriptions with Elsevier journals. If you are at UO and you are thinking about where to publish your work, keep in mind that your UC colleagues will not be able to legally access it (and therefore perhaps not be able to cite it) if you send it to an Elsevier journal.
Many universities make funds available for their researchers to pay the article processing charges for open-access journals. I wonder, if UO followed suit and canceled all of its Elsevier subscriptions, how much money it would free up to support open access APCs *and* offset some of that $10mil budget gap…
UO’s Dean of Libraries Adriene Lim has a new statement about this here: https://library.uoregon.edu/university-oregons-licensing-agreement-elsevier
UO’s Licensing Agreement with Elsevier
A Message from Adriene Lim, Dean of Libraries and Philip H. Knight Chair
For several months, we in the University of Oregon (UO) Libraries have been following the University of California (UC) system’s negotiations with Elsevier, one of the world’s largest scientific publishers. Given the size and scope of the UC system, we believe the outcome could have an impact our own future negotiations with Elsevier, especially regarding our ability to press for more open-access provisions.
By now, many people in the University of Oregon community have read about the UC system’s decision to end its contract negotiations with Elsevier. According to the UC’s press release on February 28, 2019: “Elsevier was unwilling to meet UC’s reasonable contract terms, which would integrate subscription charges and open access publishing fees, making open access the default for any article by a UC scholar and stabilizing journal costs for the university.”
Although the UO Libraries has ended “big deal” contracts (bulk journal packages) with a few other publishers, we have not considered terminating our Elsevier contract at this point. Our current, five-year contract is a joint agreement with Oregon State University and Portland State University, and runs through December 31, 2020. We also note that UO’s use of Elsevier content remains relatively high, with approximately 350,000 article downloads during the past academic year, so our response in the coming year needs to take these research needs into account.
Library partners at UO, OSU, and PSU have begun to discuss joint goals in preparation for our 2020 contract negotiations with Elsevier. We in the UO Libraries also have been working with faculty members on the UO Senate-based University Library Committee (ULC) to determine whether there is interest in supporting more advocacy and action on open access at the UO. We want to assure the UO academic community that we would not make drastic changes to our journal subscriptions without consulting with faculty members and graduate students, per our usual practice, and we will continue reaching out to stakeholders to discuss the issues over the coming year.
If you have any questions or suggestions in the meantime, please contact Library Administration at [email protected] or your assigned subject specialist librarian. We would be glad to hear your perspectives or answer any questions. Thank you.
Related reading and resources:
The Real Cost of Knowledge (The Atlantic, March 4, 2019)
The costs of academic publishing are absurd. The University of California is fighting back (Vox, March 1, 2019)
University of California’s Declaration of Rights and Principles to Transform Scholarly Communication (April 2018)
OA2020 Initiative and What’s Behind OA2020? Accelerating the transition to open access with introspection and repurposing funds (College & Research Library News, 2018)
Plan S and cOAlition-S and ARL Feedback on Plan S
new sci-hub links: