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UO faculty to vote that it has confidence in a central administrator

Just one. Is that too much to ask? Gottfredson and Coltrane’s latest org chart is here:

Screen Shot 2014-03-01 at 12.25.54 AM

The next Senate meeting is 3/12. Will someone please nominate someone for this prestigious career advancing award? Anyone?


  1. history 03/01/2014

    Does anyone have an org chart from the last year of president Moseley. Oops I mean Frohnmayer.

  2. I nominate 03/01/2014

    Roger Thompson, VP for Enrollment Management

  3. Anon 03/01/2014

    Jamie Moffitt, VPFA. I know you won’t like it, but she should be on the ballot.

  4. dog 03/01/2014

    if were allowed to vote for anyone in any of the org boxes
    then I have confidence in TBD

  5. Anon 03/01/2014

    Melissa Woo, CIO

  6. bernie's bookie 03/01/2014

    The Provost is in charge of academics but the VP for Finance reports to the President instead of the Provost? What a goofy arrangement! No wonder academics and research are going down at UO.

  7. uomatters Post author | 03/02/2014

    The Senate will have to vote that we’ve got confidence in at least one person on President Gottfredson’s org chart. Or not. It will be a bit embarrassing if we don’t have more nominations to consider. Names?

  8. Patsy 03/02/2014

    I nominate Kimberly Andrews Espy. Her vision and tireless self-promotion enabled the overnight creation of the Prevention of Science Institute at a university where such bold action has traditionally required widespread consultation and long deliberation.

  9. dog 03/02/2014

    I believe the purpose of this institute is to prevent science
    from happening altogether at the UO :)

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