While some said the union would be the death of the Senate, actually I think the union has strengthened it. And I’ll give Gottfredson credit too – he or his policies get beat up at every meeting, but he takes shared governance seriously, and keeps coming back.
The Senate has done some significant work this year – academic freedom, legal services, heading off Geller’s board power grab, putting Senators on the SBC, open meetings for Senate Committees. There’s lots still to be done of course. There are openings for people to run for the Senate, for elected committees such as the always interesting IAC, and many appointed positions. Follow the Committee Service Preferences link below, it is very thorough and includes links to committee information.
From: Robert Kyr, President-elect, University of Oregon Senate
To: UO Campus Community
Re: University Senate & Committee Elections—NEW DEADLINE: Thursday, May 1 at NOON
In 2014–2015 we will be faced with some of the most crucial decisions in the history of our university. The University Senate and University Standing Committees will be dealing with a wide range of vital issues and will be considering important policies that will greatly affect the future of shared governance.
Your voice and your expertise are needed more than ever during this crucial period of transformation.
There are still open positions on the University Senate and University Standing Committees. Therefore, we are extending the deadline to sign up for university service to: THIS COMING THURSDAY, MAY 1 at NOON.
Please sign up for the University Senate and/or University Standing Committees by following this link: Committee Service Preferences Survey.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Senate Executive Coordinator, Lisa Mick Shimizu, at [email protected] or 541-346-4439.
Thank you so much for your response and for your service, which is truly appreciated.
All the best,
Robert Kyr
Philip H. Knight Professor of Music
President-elect, University of Oregon Senate
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