I’m trying a new system for comments, called Disqus, you’ve probably seen it on other blogs. It works now, but the last 2 days of comments are being transferred, and may not show up for a day or so.
To comment you should create a free, anonymous Disqus account. It will prompt you and will require a real email address, which I can’t see unless you decide to make it public. However everyone can see comments to that same Disqus account no matter what website you made them on, so the paranoid, or justifiably nervous, might want to make an account just for use at UO M. You can also use your facebook account as a Disqus login, which seems like a bad idea.
At the moment, rather than create an account, you can just enter a made-up name and an email address. (I can see the email address you enter, so you might want to use a fake one.) But I’ll probably require Disqus accounts soon. As it is I get about 50 spam comments a day, trying to get people to click on some weird website, and it’s a pain deleting them all.
Dog says
wow, an old dog learned a new trick.
even better …
Will the comments be moderated now?
no email edit
no email either
It works for most who are willing to let it work for them. Some anonymous grumblers might balk at the disqus hoop you’ve presented, but t’eck widdem.
works for me
It may be spring break, or it may be time to go back to old comment system.
It takes a while to create a fake email account…
What you lose in volume you may gain in quality. Or, it will just be too complicated for most people. Spring Break is a bad test time though. The administration’s response to the union’s salary plan will be the real test.