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Duck coach Dana Altman tells UO GC Kevin Reed he was played by player

This guy always looks so angry. You’d think he’s trying to get appointed to the Supreme Court. At least this time it’s not about his unpaid student-athletes protesting for #blacklivesmatter. The Oregonian has the latest info on the University of Oregon’s second highest paid employee: By Brad Schmidt and Jeff Manning |…

GC Kevin Reed’s public records office finally admits they have DeVos deal docs

But what did Reed promise UO would do? It’s now almost 4 weeks six weeks since I asked for this agreement. Eventually they’ll run out of ways to hide it:


Dear Mr. Harbaugh:

The University of Oregon, Office of Public Records has received your public records request for “The document I am looking for is called a “Facilitated Resolution Agreement” and it was signed by General Counsel Kevin Reed on or about August 21.” on 09/21/2018, attached.

The University is the custodian of at least some of the records you have requested. …

You don’t say.

9/21/2018 update: GC Kevin Reed cuts deal with Betsy DeVos & wants $378.49 to show the terms

UO General Counsel Kevin Reed redacts legal advice on splitting the North Campus CUP, public meeting tonight

9/12/2018: I can think of many reasons why UO, a public university, would want to redact the advice it received from one of its outside attorneys (and the response from the University Architect) on whether or not it would be a good idea to split the CUP request into two…

Will UO’s insurers make Kevin Reed settle Prof Freyd’s gender disc lawsuit?

My post on the filing of this lawsuit back in March 2017 is at “Nevertheless she persisted“, with a link to this RegisterGuard report from Jack Moran: Psychology professor sues University of Oregon, says she’s paid ‘substantially less’ than male colleagues The University of Oregon is being sued by a…

Dana Altman & Kevin Reed’s bête noire Kenny Jacoby wins Scripps Howard fellowship, will spend year reporting from DC

UO Daily Emerald reporter Kenny Jacoby’s work for the Daily Emerald and SI on various Duck sports scandals is documented here. In 2016, as reported in the Emerald, efforts by the Duck Athletic Department to limit student-athletes’ access to the press in potential violation of UO policies on academic freedom…

Eugene Weekly reports on GC Kevin Reed’s refusal to refund student $114 for Fed subpoena PRO wouldn’t provide, & Reed’s refusal to participate in Transparency Committee or send his assistant Bryan Dearinger

Max Thornberry has the story here: Transparency Committee Takes on UO Records Policy Student reporter denied paid-for public records A student reporter at the University of Oregon was charged more than $100 to obtain UO public records before being told the university would not release them to him. The reporter…

Chronicle of Higher Ed asks why UO General Counsel Kevin Reed wants faculty emails with reporters

Thought I’d repost this classic from last year. More related info soon. 2/15/2017 update: Here (gated if off campus). A snippet: The dust-up at the university began in November when Kenneth Jacoby, a reporter for the Daily Emerald student newspaper, filed two public-records requests for emails exchanged between several coaches…

Trustees to review, discuss report on General Counsel Kevin Reed’s activities

It looks like a busy meeting for their Executive and Audit Committee. Presidential Assessment, Audit report, Annual reports from the GC, Compliance, Ethics, etc. Here’s their agenda, with handy links: 1. Call to Order/Roll/Declaration of a Quorum (Borkar) 2. Consent Item a. Minutes of the July 20, 2017 Executive & Audit…

UO public records backlog grows – but UO lawyer Kevin Reed gets my free speech emails for free and on time

Sorry, long post. The UO Public Records Office currently has many unfilled requests for public documents, going back as far as August. They haven’t yet filled any of the requests they’ve received since January 17, more than a month ago, except for boilerplate requests for coaches contracts or directories. A lot of…

Kevin Reed’s office wants USA Today to pay for coaches’ NCAA reports

6/24/2019: At least they’ve stoped claiming they are faculty: Requester: Berkowitz, Steve Organization: USA Today Initial Request Date: 06/17/2019 Status: Awaiting Payment from Requester Request Completion Date: Pursuant to the applicable open-records law(s), I am requesting copies of the following: The current contract for head football coach, including all…

President Schill and GC Kevin Reed announce strong counseling confidentiality policy

I’m no law professor, but this policy seems to put to rest worries that UO will ever again access confidential student counseling records for questionable purposes. It’s also notable in that the Oregon Bar ethics complaint against UO Interim General Counsel Doug Park and Associate General Counsel Sam Hill for obtaining the records, and…

Pres Schill hires Kevin Reed from UCLA as UO VP and General Counsel

Updated with the UCLA Chancellor’s message. Resume and cover letter here, Info on the searches here. President Schill’s announcement: Colleagues, It is a distinct pleasure to share with you today that Kevin Reed has accepted the role of vice president and general counsel. He will play a critical role as chief…

VPGC Finalist #3: Kevin Reed, UCLA

Info on initial failed search here. New official search website here. Job ad here. Search committee consists of

  • Michael Moffitt (chair), Dean-School of Law
  • Missy Matella, Assistant General Counsel
  • David Schuman, Professor of Practice-Law School
  • Priscilla Southwell, Professor and Department Head-Political Science
  • Brad Shelton, Interim Vice President for Research
  • Angela Wilhelms, Secretary of the University.

Finalist #3 for GCVP: Kevin S. Reed, UCLA. Schedule for Aug 5 visit here, resume and cover letter here:

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This dude certainly seems to have the qualifications, and want the job. And you’ve gotta love this, from his letter:

“The legal issues that have brought unwanted attention to UO in the past several years are issues I have handled with success at UCLA, along with many other potentially mission-interrupting matters.”


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As it happens, I’ve had occasion to deal with the UCLA Public Records office which Reed supervises. Back in May Diane Dietz compared UCLA’s unredacted, speedy, and free responses with UO’s fees, redactions, and geological delays, in the RG here:

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Sacbee reports UCLA paid Reed $276K last year, the UO job is $225K-$325K.

Finalist #2 for GCVP: Doug Park, UO. 

Park was also a finalist for the earlier cancelled search. That resume and cover letter are here. His Aug 4 schedule is here, new letter and CV here.

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An excerpt from his new letter, which is as interesting for what it omits as for what it includes:

As seen in my curriculum vitae, I have the following UO experiences: law student from 1990- 1993; adjunct law professor from 2003-2008; trial counsel for UO while at the Department of Justice; service on the UO’s JSMA leadership council as Board Development Chair and Executive Committee member; service on multiple UO committees; and service as in-house counsel for approximately eight years, including the last year as Interim General Counsel. My spouse [Beth Stormshak] is also a UO professor who has served UO in many capacities including teaching, researching, institute director, and associate vice president for research. These experiences enable me to see UO through the eyes of a student, adjunct faculty, tenure track faculty, administrator and lawyer, all of which provide me with a broad understanding of UO’s values, operations and aspirations.

Doug Park’s history with UO public records is legion, going back to the requests that led to the Mike Bellotti scandal and Richard Lariviere’s firing of his boss Melinda Grier, and the Oregon DOJ’s report of “deficient legal representation”:

Finalist #1 for GCVP: Kenya Mann Faulkner, U of Cincinnati. 

Aug 3 visit. Letter and CV here.

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UC paid her $295K last year, the UO job is $225K-$325K.

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