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Affirmative Action Law

7/11/2011: Richard Kahlenberg has a good roundup of recent events, at the Chronicle, followed by this interpretation: Historically, the “diversity rationale” for affirmative action was an important strategic advance for supporters of the policy. The original “remedial rationale”—that racial preferences were necessary to correct for a history of egregious discrimination—suffered…

A flawed PR move

6/26/2011:  The Oregon Daily Emerald editors shred President Lariviere’s proposal to give Jefferson HS students free tuition: Though we appreciate the effort and applaud the attempt to aid in Oregon’s ailing public education system, there are significant problems with the proposal and certain planks of it make for a sad…

Good news about UO

6/17/2011: UO has an entire press office to report the fluff, so here at UO Matters we concentrate on the bad shit. I think those economists call this comparative advantage derived from idiosyncratic factor endowments. But, frankly, it’s getting harder to be so relentlessly negative. Our kleptomaniac President Emeritus Dave…

OIED/OMAS and the peace of God

4/20/2011: There are a lot of things about UO’s OIED I do not understand. Like this email. Apparently VP for Diversity Charles Martinez hired Abernethy for $2500, to mediate a dispute between the OIED/OMAS staff and himself. Abernethy is a psychologist at Fuller Theological Seminary. Fuller is a fundamentalist divinity…

10 year tenure clock

rejected by the Michigan faculty. The interesting part? For faculty members hired as assistant professors at Michigan, tenure is not a certainty. Between 1982 and 2004, 54.6 percent of those hired as assistant professors received tenure, according to Michigan’s office of budget and planning.  It is almost unheard of for…

VP for Diversity search

12/14/2010: From the official announcement: The University of Oregon is firmly committed to diversity and seeks to further this goal among our faculty, staff and student body.  To lead us in these efforts, we are searching for a new Vice President of the Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity to…

Daily Emerald on armed police

11/2/2010: Last year Emerald reporters Alex Tomchak Scott and Dave Martinez were the first to figure out that Frances Dyke and Doug Tripp were using student, staff and faculty parking fees to subsidize the new Matt Court underground parking garage. The Emerald editors ripped into this. Of course, nothing happened…

Cool or not cool?

8/19/2010: UO has failed to make the Sierra Clubs list of America’s 162 greenest campuses, a.k.a. “Cool Schools”. (The Dog comments that it’s likely no one at UO bothered to complete the survey). Obviously we will now need to further increase administrative spending on sustainability. Or not – Scott Carlson…


6/29/2010: A helpful reader sent some actual data on the costs of the underground arena parking and how they will split between the athletic department and the academic side. Not sure if this is current. (Click to enlarge.)  6/22/2010: The latest increase in faculty/staff parking fees (from $300 to $400,…

Have a public search for the Diversity VP job – a nutty idea?

6/3/2010: Martinez makes a lot of his Hispanic background. But he doesn’t speak Spanish. 5/31/2010: See update below on OIED hiring issues, details on this later.5/25/2010: See update below on NIH grants. Almost unbelievable, but all from See update below on Associate Professor / tenure.  5/20/2010: Here are a…

Faculty raises:

6/8/2010: This is rumor but we hear President Lariviere is still going to push to raise faculty pay. For full prof’s this is the lowest in the AAU by 10% and is currently at 84% of our “peer institutions.” Most of the raises will go to the full’s as a…