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Plan B for Espy and Bean

10/15/2012: Word down at the faculty club steam room is that the pressure on Interim Provost Bean to do something about his VPR, Kimberly Espy, is coming to a head. Expect nothing from Bean, who ignored faculty complaints about Frances Dyke, Charles Martinez, Russ Tomlin, and Don Harris for years.…

Presidential transition team

5/17/2012: This was Lariviere’s first mistake. Jim Bean as chair – Bellotti, Grier, Martinez! A few months later Jim Bean had managed to move from interim to permanent provost without any search or campus discussion. With Bean’s advice Lariviere kept on Grier and Dyke, and then he hired people like…


10/11/2011: I didn’t think so. The low point for UO was the April 2009 “Furlough Town Hall” where President Dave Frohnmayer, Provost Jim Bean, General Counsel Melinda Grier, and VPFA Frances Dyke tried to trick the faculty into agreeing to 5% pay reductions. Frohnmayer had just taken a $100,000 raise…

UO raises in news

9/16/2011: Bill Graves of the Oregonian on the UO raises: The report explains the UO jumped at the chance earlier this year to raise salaries and protect quality at a time when state support keeps shrinking. The university was careful to avoid merit or across-the-board pay increases, said Russ Tomlin, …

UO’s new "Diversity and Inclusion" hire

Update: How public will this search really be? The ad ends with All communications will be treated confidentially.  Nominations, inquiries, and applications (including a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and the names of five references) should be directed electronically in confidence to [email protected].  For further information, please contact: Kim M. Morrisson,…

A modest proposal

7/14/2011: Charles Martinez’s OIED spent $903,587 last year – that’s just counting salaries and administrative overhead for his office, not program costs. Add another $100,000 to cover the cost of hiring a search firm to find a competent and honest replacement for him. For comparison, in 2009-10 UO awarded $1,706,250…