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The AAUP now tracking UO Board’s undermining of shared governance:


… In December, the board of trustees considered a plan that would have radically changed the role of the faculty senate and of shared governance; the board plans to revisit the issue in March. And in January, a 2012 memo recommending the abolishment of the faculty senate came to light. The national AAUP is watching these developments at the University of Oregon with concern. The 1966 Statement on Government of Colleges and Universities affirms that the faculty “has primary responsibility for such fundamental areas as curriculum, subject matter and methods of instruction, research, faculty status, and those aspects of student life which relate to the educational process.” …

The leaked Geller/Gottfredson/Hubin plan is here, along with info on Hubin and Park’s refusal to provide additional public records.


  1. Anonymous 01/15/2015

    Why does UO Matters describe Geller’s Memo as “The leaked Geller/Gottfredson/Hubin plan ….” My take on the memo is that Randy Geller wrote it himself. My multiple exposures to Randy’s intrusions over the years provides enough evidence to support that view. I’ll bet he started working on it when the Faculty made its first moves toward unionization.

    • Cynic 01/15/2015

      If Geller acted entirely on his own, it would be simple enough to repudiate the letter and its contents. What is taking so long?

    • Bee 01/15/2015

      Try looking at the delegation of authority policy for the board of trustees, the original draft (March 2014) from Randy Geller, then Secretrary to the board of trustees. In that draft you will see something remarkable: there is no mention of the University Senate or the Constitution of the UO. His memo was not crafted in isolation nor was it left floating in limbo. Fixing that mess involved a lot of work by a lot of faculty, staff and students. Though gone, Geller’s influence warped thinking in JH about faculty governance. The recent attempt to repeal the policy on policies without consulting the senate is just one more example of a series of attempts to weaken the Constitution and Senate. Geller’s memo was an obvious overreach of that ambition, one that could be openly rejected, though not fully ignored (and his memo is one that denied the reality of dozens and dozens of working faculty union and senate arrangements around the country at colleges and universities, large and small).

  2. Old Man to Cynic 01/15/2015

    It took two years to uncover Geller’s Memo. Give me some time.

    • panning for dirt 01/15/2015

      One negative consequence of the UOmatters site, is that the administration has gotten much better at hiding information. Now it will generally only put something in writing that it thinks can be reasonably made confidential or redacted, or under a FERPA smokescreen. Just try e-mailing anyone at Johnson Hall nowadays, and they’ll immediately tell you to switch to a phone or have a one-on-one. Some administrators are now spending half their day just walking up and down 13th, whispering to their conspirators like some kind of mafia boss. Others just text each other with their non-work phones. Seems silly, but I guess they have something to hide. At least the BoT leaks like a sieve, though surprisingly not so much the faculty, employee or student members.

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