Looks like the the Ducks are going to the Alamo Bowl.
In 2011, the last year for which data is available (IRS 990 here) the San Antonio Bowl Association brought in $10M from tickets and TV revenue from the “Valero Alamo Bowl”. They paid out $6.1M to the football teams:
Much of this was then used to pay things like multi-million dollar coach salaries, and of course junkets to the game for university administrators and their hangers-on. (More on the UO Alamo junkets soon, meanwhile here’s the info from UO’s trip to the Fiesta Bowl last year. No word yet on the Feds efforts to seek prison time for their former CEO John Junker, and the state court has now postponed sentencing until January – apparently he’s still cooperating with the investigation. Could get interesting. I wonder how much UO money he laundered?)
They paid their CEO Derrick Fox $470,000:
And they donated a grand total of $148,000 for scholarships: (The other $20K was to TCU.)
In the eyes of the IRS, this makes them a non-profit.
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