Last updated on 02/08/2014
President Gottfredson posted the call today:
Nominations sought for the 2014 Distinguished Service Award
Nominations will be accepted through Friday, March 28th, 2014 for the 2014 Distinguished Service Award to be presented fall term. The award recognizes those “who by their knowledge and skills have made a significant contribution to the cultural and development (sic) of Oregon or society as a whole. … Awards are not given posthumously.”
Whilst many have served our university, none have done so with the grace under fire demonstrated by Art History Professor Emeritus Sherwin Simmons, whose response to the Duck football team’s snowball bombardment echoed the famous reply of General McAuliffe of the 101st Airborne to the surrender ultimatum from the encircling German army of General Heinrich Diepold Georg Freiherr von Lüttwitz at Bastogne, that bitter winter of 1944: “Nuts.”
Professor Simmons’s words, as mentioned in dispatches: “It was a snowball fight. No one should be charged. That would be nuts.”
After the Battle of the Bulge, General Patton awarded the the United States Distinguished Service Medal to the victorious General McAuliffe, on the field. President Gottfredson and the University of Oregon can do no less for Professor Emeritus Simmons.
In favor