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Students can tweet SAT essays, says $1.3M a year Pres Kurt Landgraf

Or something like that. NPR story here. IRS 990 here. Wow, ETS is a pretty profitable non-profit, for some people:

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  1. ScienceDuck 03/05/2014

    That is an outrageous salary for a non-profit… oh wait, ETS has revenues over $1B, so Landgraf makes a salary around 0.1% of revenue. What does our football coach make? $1.8M a year, to manage an operation that makes $51M a year, a 40-fold higher ratio of salary to revenue. And Helfrich makes the low end, for now. Doesn’t the state have anything to say about excessive salaries at non-profits?

    • Hen 03/06/2014

      The football coach is just getting market rate. How else could the UO attract and retain the best? Similarly for administrators. But apparently that argument doesn’t work for faculty. Maybe faculty get non-pecuniary benefits from working at a great place like the UO, and living in a wonderful town. Who knows, maybe we like rain. And so we can be paid less than market rate.
      One implication of this argument is that coaches and administrators derive little or no non-pecuniary benefits from living and working here. Sad really.

      • Anonymous 03/06/2014

        Hold on, don’t we suffer by retaining these types? Their swollen heads are increasingly encroaching on my view of the Cascades, for example.

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