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UO Matters suspends publication, hands transparency job off to Gottfredson

I’ve been running this blog since April 2009. Five years, 2,934 posts, several thousand dollars for public records, the occasional defamation threat, 18,576 comments, and about 2 million page views. It’s time for me to take a break. President Gottfredson says he wants to improve transparency, build trust with the faculty, and strengthen shared governance.  I’m going to take him at his word, and see how he does. So while UO Matters is on hiatus, you can get your information about UO matters from these official UO websites:

President Michael Gottfredson:

Provost Scott Coltrane:

UO Board of Trustees:

UO Senate:

UO Strategic Communication Office’s “Around the O” blog:

UO Institutional Research:

UO Public Records Office:

UO General Counsel’s Office:

VPBP Brad Shelton’s budget model:

VPFA Jamie Moffitt’s finance info pages:

AD Rob Mullen’s financial information page:

Former Dean Tim Gleason’s union CBA implementation blog:

None of these allow for comments, so I’ve set up a bulletin board forum here, where people can post their own information about UO and discuss it. I’ll moderate it a little.

I don’t know how long it will be until I write another post. When I started UO Matters people said that the administration could make it irrelevant by ending the secrecy. Maybe they will, and this will be my last.


  1. Not Buying It 03/24/2014

    ok Mr Transparency, what is really going on? Those of us who know you are not buying this story.

  2. Big Bean Beamer Burnisher 03/24/2014

    A break is good, gives a body time to develop a little perspective. Sometimes, Mr/s Not Buying It, a cigar is just a cigar.

  3. M Petiot 03/24/2014

    I hope you are OK! I really, really hope this is not your caving in to another JH plot. Things would not be the same without UOM.

  4. Not Buying It 03/24/2014

    Sure, a cigar is a cigar, but UOM got some heat with that student thing. So if this is just a break, good for you. But if it’s not, then the lack of disclosure makes this blog look like the boys in JH to me.

    • uomatters Post author | 03/24/2014

      The administration keeps saying that this blog is bad for UO. So I’m challenging them to step up to the plate and provide the faculty and community with important information about UO matters themselves. We’ll see how that goes.

  5. Not Buying It 03/24/2014

    They have been saying that for a long time. Why now? Is the union asking you to take a lower profile as a union officer?

    • uomatters Post author | 03/24/2014


  6. dog 03/24/2014

    Perhaps UOM should be a moderator of posts (in addition to comments) and allow others to post issues on this forum.

    I for one would like to see a campus discussion, on this forum because this forum fully illuminates our behavior, on the current Cluster Hire stuff because this will be an evolving situation.

    Having others post, through moderation, might also act as a better shitstorm deflector for UOmatters

    • gagging 03/25/2014

      Dear god, please no.

  7. This is the last time I've ever posted 03/25/2014

    I see your point about asking the UO admin to step up regarding transparency, but I MISS the point about why you suddenly think they will do it. This blog has been an important voice on campus, and now I fear many JH types will simply breathe easier and do as they always have: Don’t rock the boat. Get paid.

    Thanks for all that you did, UO matters.

    • UO is a circus. 03/27/2014

      They won’t do it. We all know they won’t do it. Sad.

  8. vlad 03/25/2014

    As far as we can tell from behavior, JH reaction to UOM over the years has been to blame the messenger. Apparently, UOM was even blamed for scaring off a provost candidate. During UOM’s hiatus, it will be put up or shut up for administrators. Find opportunities early and often to talk straight and listen to faculty. Most UO faculty have become highly skilled BS detectors. In the presence of much BS, UOM has served a useful purpose. If JH folks (some now gone) had paid more attention to the message than to the messenger, the union effort might have been rendered moot. This is a chance for at least a partially fresh start. Let’s hope for the best.

  9. anon 03/25/2014

    Certainly understand why UOM needs (and deserves) a break. But worried that JH won’t get the message and that UO will now descend even further into darkness and tyranny …

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