3/20/2015 update:
From: “Thornton, Lisa” <pubrec@uoregon.edu>
Date: March 20, 2015 at 4:39:23 PM PDT
Subject: Public Records Request 2015-PRR-201
Dear Mr. Harbaugh:
The University of Oregon has received your revised public records request for “just the b) part” of your request made 02/26/2015, attached. The office has at least some documents responsive to your request. By this email, the office is providing you with an estimate to respond to your requests.
The office estimates the actual cost of responding to your request to be $151.78.
3/19/2015 update: Coltrane’s PR Office wants $732.92 to show what his secret athletics committee is doing
The University of Oregon, Office of Public Records has received your public records request for “any documents sent or received by the President’s Office relating to former President Gottfredson’s decision to establish the “President’s Advisory Group on Intercollegiate Athletics”, the determination of its membership, and its activities since”. The office is now providing an estimate to respond to your request.
The office estimates the actual cost of responding to your request to be $732.92. Upon receipt of a check made payable to the University of Oregon in that amount, the office will proceed to locate, copy, and provide the records you have requested that are not exempt from disclosure. Your check may be sent to the attention of Office of Public Records, 6207 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-6207.
Maybe the PAGIA Chair, Kim Sheehan (Advertising), or UO’s new FAR Tim Gleason (former Journalism Dean) will help make these public records public?
Subject: $732.92 for PAGIA documents
From: Bill Harbaugh <wtharbaugh@gmail.com>
Date: March 19, 2015 at 2:41:59 PM PDT
Cc: IAC Voting <iacvoting2014-15@lists.uoregon.edu>, jcraig@uoregon.edu, David Frank <dfrank@uoregon.edu>, isenberg@uoregon.edu, Lynn Kahle <lkahle@uoregon.edu>, Roger Thompson <rjt@uoregon.edu>, Lisa Freinkel <freinkel@uoregon.edu>, pshang@uoregon.edu, James O’Fallon <jofallon@uoregon.edu>, Timothy Gleason <tgleason@uoregon.edu>, seveland@uoregon.edu, Interim President Coltrane <pres@uoregon.edu>, provost@uoregon.edu
To: Lisa Thornton <pubrec@uoregon.edu>, Kim Sheehan <ksheehan@uoregon.edu>
Dear Ms Thornton –
$732.92 is a bit rich for my blood. How much would you charge me just to see the agendas of the meetings, documents distributed for meetings, and minutes, if any?
(I’m ccing the PAGIA Chair Kim Sheehan and the members, in hopes they can easily provide these public records.)
3/17/2015 update: What’s up with the secretive PAGIA that Kim Sheehan (Advertising) chairs?
I don’t know, but they sure are trying to hide it:
Subject: Re: public records request, PAGIA documents
Date: March 17, 2015 at 8:19:30 AM PDT
Cc: Gregory Rikhoff <grikhoff@uoregon.edu>, Kim Sheehan <ksheehan@uoregon.edu>
To: Lisa Thornton <pubrec@uoregon.edu>
Dear Ms Thornton –
I made [the PR request below] 3 weeks ago. I’d appreciate it if you could let me know when you expect to be able to provide these documents.
On ThursdayFeb 26, 2015, at 1:01 AM:
Dear Ms Thornton –
This is a public records request for any documents sent or received by the President’s Office relating to former President Gottfredson’s decision to establish the “President’s Advisory Group on Intercollegiate Athletics”, the determination of its membership, and its activities since.
I ask for a fee waiver on the basis of public interest.
On April 29 last year, the day after he saw the EPD report on the basketball rape allegations, President Gottfredson suddenly announced he would not require AD Rob Mullens or other athletic department employees to meet with the UO Senate’s athletic oversight and advisory committee, the IAC. Gottfredson said he would instead establish his own “Athletics Advisory Council” and make his own appointments.
The AD has been trying to evade the Senate IAC since at least the 2004 Athletics Task Force report, but Gottfredson’s decision was ostensibly based on a report to the Senate from last year’s IAC chair Rob Illig (Law, and yes, it’s that same Illig.):
The Senate IAC has now repudiated that report, the Senate Task force on Sexual Violence has directed the IAC to take the point on sexual violence and athletics, and the IAC has voted to take up that responsibility over the objections of Margie Paris (Law) and Kim Sheehan (Advertising, and PAGIA Chair):
But apparently that’s not enough to put an end to another Johnson Hall effort to subvert shared governance. The charge and membership of the PAGIA, which is chaired by Kim Sheehan (Advertising) is here.
The President’s Advisory Group on Intercollegiate Athletics advises the president on University of Oregon Athletics Department policies and practices as they affect the academic progress, the academic performance, and the well-being of student athletes. The group will provide guidance and make recommendations to help ensure athletic department programs and practices operate consistent with the university’s academic mission and comply with NCAA and Pac-12 rules and expectations.
The PAGIA will meet regularly twice per term. The group will assemble for additional sessions at the request of the president. Membership will consist of six faculty members, two students, three administrators, three staff advisors as well as the athletic director, senior associate athletic director and faculty athletic representative.
Professor Kim Sheehan, School of Journalism and Communications, Chair
Professor Jenifer Craig, School of Music and Dance
Professor David Frank, Clark Honors College
Professor James Isenberg, Mathematics
Professor Lynn Kahle, Lindquist School of Business
One yet to be appointed
Jillian Alleyne, Communication Disorders and Science major, Basketball
David Spencer, Accounting major
Roger Thompson, Vice President for Enrollment Management
Lisa Freinkel, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies
Paul Shang, Dean of Students
Ex-Officio Members
Intercollegiate Athletic Director, Rob Mullens
Senior Associate Athletic Director, Senior Women’s Administrator, Lisa Peterson
Faculty Athletics Representative, Jim O’Fallon
FAR Designee, to be appointed
Staff Advisors
Jody Sykes, Senior Associate Athletic Director Compliance Officer
Sue Eveland, University Registrar
Steven Stolp, Executive Director, Services for Student Athletes
Yet another case of the administration transgressing the senate; and then when administrators are criticized for trampling governance we hear the defensive whines that the senate can’t be worked with because faculty are too mean. Unbelievable how members of this administration can complain about trust breaking down.
It would be really interesting to see how much money they have drained from your pockets, even with Google advertising. Just amazing how far these public “servants” go for services that are free at many other public universities.
That’s serious money. You could get at least four bottles of terrific scotch for that amount.
Must be some real skeletons in this closet…
Anyone that works at the university knows that the $732.92 is most likely an accurate estimate.
I already make a point of clicking through the UO Matters Google ads when I’m shopping, but is there someplace we can kick in directly? Not that I want to encourage the UO PRO gouging.
Charitable donations to UO Matters can be laundered through this site: http://www.lovescotch.com/
Please note that bourbon is also acceptable.
I was going to take you up on this, but did you know it’s illegal to ship to Oregon?
I’m sorry, I’m not sure I understand the point of this comment.
lovescotch.com says they’re “prohibited” from shipping to Oregon.
dude, bourbon is necessary ….
If it ain’t from its namesake village in County Antrim…
Just pay the piper. You know it’s costs more than that to deal with all of your requests. Why should the students pay for your requests?