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VP Holmes announces sole candidate for unfortunately titled “AVP for Sexual Assault” job

5/27/2015 update: 

Dear campus community,

The search committee and I invite you to meet Dr. Jennifer Hammat, candidate for the position of Assistant Vice President for Sexual Assault & Title IX Coordinator.

Dr. Hammat will be visiting campus on June, 2nd. At 3:00 p.m. in room 16 of Pacific Hall, she will be giving a 20-minute presentation on the following topic: Getting it Right: Overcoming Obstacles and Forging a Campus-wide Response to Sexual Assault. This will be followed by 25 minutes of Q&A. Please join us in this opportunity to meet Dr. Hammat. Her CV will be available soon on Around the Oops.

After attending, we would ask that you kindly submit any feedback to Brenda Porter at

Robin H. Holmes, Ph.D., Vice President Division of Student Life

4/2/2015 update: Both the Senate Force and Gottfredson/Coltrane’s hand-picked “Independent Review Panel” proposed an independent administrator who could take responsibility for sexual assault prevention and response away from the manipulative VP Robin Holmes and UO’s incompetent Director of Affirmative Action, Penny Daugherty. Those recommendations are here:

Senate Task Force on Sexual Violence Prevention: Website and Final Report.

Gottfredson and Coltrane’s handpicked “independent” review panel. Website and Final Report.

Apparently Coltrane and Bronet did not consult with either group, and let Robin Holmes write the rather unfortunate job title and the job description. The new AVP will be under Holmes’s thumb, and unlikely to challenge her mistakes and obfuscations.

Now Coltrane and Bronet are already having to backtrack on this. Next time, try consulting someone other than the admins in the Executive Leadership Bunker first? Rich Read has the story in the Oregonian here:

Using words such as “sweeping” and “robust,” the University of Oregon has announced initiatives to prevent sexual assault, with plans to hire an assistant vice president responsible for fighting such violence.

But the word “assistant” doesn’t impress a professor who co-chaired a UO task force that specifically recommended in November that a position of vice president be created to handle the high-profile job.

Carol Stabile, a professor in the School of Journalism and Communication’s department of women’s and gender studies, co-chaired the University Senate Task Force to Address Sexual Violence and Survivor Support. She and Jennifer Freyd, a UO psychology professor who also served on the task force, said Wednesday they were disappointed by the decision ofInterim UO President Scott Coltrane‘s administration. …

3/30/2015: Instead of firing Penny Daugherty, Coltrane to hire AVP to do her job

Baby steps, I suppose. Job posting here. Reports to VP Robin Holmes. $105K-$120K. Chuck Triplett gets $130K, and didn’t even have to go through a search.


  1. Reorganization 03/30/2015

    Oh wow, that didn’t take long. It’s supposed to be Jamie & Penny who oversees affirmative action & title ix compliance, it looks like it’s slowly moving elsewhere. “Joint accountability to the President” is a clear message to Jamie to get out of the way. Considering what’s happened here already, I guess a change is needed.

    • UO Grad Student 03/31/2015

      Doesn’t seem like much change is coming other than a shift in organizational structure and adding more amin. AAEO was under the VPFA umbrella, but was meant to report to the head of HR, which we didn’t have until recently.

      According to Around the O: The person will work closely with two deputy Title IX coordinators, including Lisa Peterson, the senior associate athletics director and senior women’s administrator, who has primary responsibility to oversee gender equity in athletics, and Penny Daugherty, who will continue to have primary responsibility for investigations and resolution of Title IX reports and complaints. Daugherty is currently the Title IX coordinator and will transition to the deputy coordinator when the AVP is hired.

      Deputy Title IX coordinators is a new position as far as I know. Can the UO just hire internally for those? No open search necessary?

  2. Working GTF 03/30/2015

    Bloating bloaters bloat bloat bloatingly.

  3. Anas Clypeata 03/30/2015

    This caused me to spit out my single-malt scotch! I know it’s too long already, but this job title by committee is missing the word “Response”. Compare:

    Vice President for Equity and Inclusion
    Vice President for Advancement
    Vice President for Research and Innovation
    Vice President for Student Life
    Vice President for Finance and Administration
    Vice President for Enrollment Management
    Vice President for Campus Sexual Assault

    One of these things is not like the other….

    Or as my grandpa used to say: “Are they fur it, or agin it?”

  4. Anonymous 03/30/2015

    I would like to request additional lines to hire an AVP of doing my research, an AVP of doing my teaching, and an AVP of doing my service. I’ll keep wiping my ass until my executive assistant search is filled.

    • charlie 04/01/2015

      See if you can become VP For Some God Damn Athletic Thing, and get access to the football facility. The toilets will do the wiping for you…

      • Anonymous 04/02/2015

        Wait, I thought this was administrative bloat that UOM agrees with.

  5. Anonymous UO Alum 03/30/2015

    Is anybody keeping track of how many $100K+ admins keep getting added each year to the JH payroll? Ditto for Athletics? One way to control the JH bloat is to require pay cuts for the existing admins to cover the salary of their new hire. This should help keep a lid on the JH admin bloat… Let’s see a graph of the increase in $100K+ admins and their salary costs over time for the last 20 years or so. And similar graphs for faculty, staff and student enrollment.

    • honest Uncle Bernie 05/27/2015

      I guess the blame now lies at the feet of our crack corporate independent board?

  6. decision made 03/31/2015

    There is safety in numbers as the adminimal brain trust can diffuse blame and keep rolling in phat bank. It also decreases the chance any one adminimal brainster will draw the short straw and be sent to the guillotine.

    All the while the UO faculty and union repeat in unison……..”thank you sir, may I have another…..”, as we wait for the bottom to fall out.

  7. SaveUofO 04/02/2015

    All the vice presidential positions and positions below them are known as future collateral damage when the proverbial shit hits the fan. Well after all they are running out of archivists to dispense with.

  8. Anas Clypeata 04/04/2015

    And why is the word “Campus” in this job title? If it happens off-campus, we don’t care? Or maybe we’re trying to get all of the sexual assault to happen on campus instead of off campus for some reason? Public Safety did have a different approach from that of the Eugene Police Department, and that caused some embarrassment around here. We wouldn’t want anyone to get embarrassed.

    When will there be logical, rational adults in charge of this place? Until then, kids: change this job title to “AVP for Sexual Assault Response”. It’s OK to admit you made a mistake; that’s part of growing up.

  9. honest Uncle Bernie 05/27/2015

    “Assistant Vice President for Sexual Assault.” Will it never stop? How long can they maintain this level?

  10. Anas Clypeata 05/27/2015

    They still haven’t fixed the job title? Priceless.

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