10/26/2015: Noah McGraw has the news in the Emerald, here. The process was considerably more open than that which led to the appointment and reappointment of the faculty trustee, Susan Gary. Good for ASUO. Not sure if the legislature has confirmed this yet.
9/25/2015: UO Student Trustee Helena Schlegel resigns from Board on principle
She’s principled, gutsy, and she says what she means. Apparently that’s not the sort of student trustee UO’s Board wants.
The links to BOT Chair Chuck Lillis’s effort to change the Board’s bylaws to clamp down on trustees who speak their minds are here and here. Petty. (Page down for the redlined versions). At the same meeting Lillis crammed through a by-laws change that extended his own term as Chair for a year. Aren’t you supposed to recuse yourself for that sort of thing?
Between this, the testimony in the Cleavenger retaliation case, and the latest on the counseling records debacle this has been a really bad day for UO. But for all three events there’s the potential that they will spark much needed changes:
Chair Lillis, Trustees and UO Community,
Please accept this letter as notice of my resignation from the University of Oregon Board of Trustees. My last day of service will be November 18th, 2015.
After careful consideration, I believe now is the appropriate time for me to leave this role. Serving as the student Trustee was a transformative experience. I have learned a lot during my experience on the Board. There is clearly more to our University than just classes or office hours. The University of Oregon is a huge community with wide ranging schools of thought, opinions and needs. I have learned the importance of shared governance and why it is vital for the voices on campus to be heard. We have important and passionate stakeholders. Our alumni, faculty, staff and students truly care about the outcome of this University. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to interact with the leaders of our campus and advocate for students in an essential role.
I did face challenges during my time on the Board. At times, I felt as though my opinions and suggestions were not taken seriously. Furthermore, I felt ignored, disregarded and treated inequitably.
To be clear, I do not say these things to be intentionally harsh to the Board. I am invested in the success of this University and the students I serve, which is why I believe it is equally important to be critical of the power dynamics that exist and to move forward to improve these systems. At this point, I believe I can be a more effective advocate for students by fully dedicating to myself my role as ASUO President.
The ASUO will have an internal application and interview process to recommend preferred candidates to the Governor. Applications will be open effective immediately, and are due no later than October 4th. More information is available on the ASUO website.
I look forward to working with the Board of Trustees moving forward to ensure that the new student Trustee is treated equitably. I am open to having conversations about my resignation and how to move forward to best benefit the campus community.
Sincerely, Helena Schlegel
Helena Schlegel | President | Associated Students of the University of Oregon
Email: asuopres@uoregon.edu |
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