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Lost and Found database

FROM UOPD Lost and Found information:


I wanted to take a moment to let you know about the new UOPD lost and found page:

In addition to our voicemail (541-346-3232) and e-mail [email protected] reporting, we now are utilizing an online reporting system for lost and found property.  This system allows someone to submit a report that they have lost something and the system automatically checks to see if there is a match in the inventory.

If you have someone inquiring about lost and found, could you please direct them to the website?

If you have lost and found items you wish to send to UOPD you can either send the items via campus mail or, for larger lost and found collections, contact us via e-mail or phone to arrange to have the items picked up.

Questions?  Please let me know.


Sincerely, Royce Myers



  1. Dog 02/26/2018

    Is the University’s brain in lost and found?
    Probably not, I suspect its still lost …

  2. Dogmatic Ratios 02/26/2018

    Found: one university executive administration test-driving a soft dictatorship management-style. Please adopt, and provide with humane virtual reality gear, so their increasingly uninformed unilateral decisions don’t hurt anyone.

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