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  1. trumplackey 07/26/2018

    He’d do better if he could drop F-bombs, too.

  2. Me again 07/27/2018

    What am I missing? Around the O is delivered to my inbox so I never search for it but I have to search for UO Matters in order to access it. Why would you expect any results other than your “well duh” headline?

    • uomatters Post author | 07/27/2018

      You’re a regular reader, and your auto-search doesn’t pop it up when you get to uom…? That said I don’t know if google trends counts that as a search or not.

  3. Anonymous Former Student 07/30/2018

    Around the O refuses to cover the reasons why UO is hosting an international track event it was never qualified to host.

  4. So proud 08/02/2018

    Morons deny an ugly history because it is ugly. But hey! You know what they say about those who would avoid studying ugly histories…they’re doomed to…something, I dunno, I used to know that phrase but it hurts my feelies.

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