Video here. A few years ago it would have seemed silly to restart this long-standing UO tradition, but that was before Brett Kavanaugh. So thanks to the Dean of Students for making it easy to add your name as out or an ally, with a quick online survey:
The OUTList is a list of UO students, faculty, staff, and alumni who wish to publicly acknowledge and celebrate that they are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, aromantic, agender, and/or allies (LGBTQIA+). The list will appear in the form of an advertisement placed in the Daily Emerald during the week of October 8 to correspond with National Coming Out Day and our own UO Coming Out Week.
If you are a UO student, alum, faculty, or staff member, and you would like your name to be included on the 2018–19 OUTList, please fill out our survey. To have your name included in the newspaper ad, submissions must be received by 8:00 a.m. on Monday, October 1.
There was a time in this country when talking about one’s sex life was considered impolite.
Unless of course you were harassing someone. Back in the day people got cut all kinds of slack for that shit.
However, there was also that same time in this country where even if you didnt’ talk about your sex life, you could be prosecuted if someone found out about it, even though it was no one’s business but the people involved. Overall, I favour the Outlist, in part because I can say I support LGBTQA etc. even though I am straight. (After all, plenty of the LGBetc in my family — and maybe in yours, too!)
What’s a sex life?
I feel sorry for folks with no romance of any sort in their lives.
Maybe they meant aromatic?
Of possible interest, Elizabeth Tippett of the UO School of Law has this piece mentioned in Around the O: “Kavanaugh confirmation a reminder: Accused sexual harassers get promoted anyway”