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Anyone know how to contact the students who tore down the Pioneer Father?

Last updated on 09/18/2024

The overpaid and undereducated JH administrator who approved this hideous abomination should be charged with incitement to riot:

Thanks of sorts to a friend for reminding me of everything that drove me crazy about UO. Old post on the Pioneer Father here.


  1. honest Uncle Bernie 09/20/2024

    My initial thought: that Duck looks like a Thinkuh! They should get replicas into that Euro art scene before it gets decolonialzed. I mean Hollywood-class places like the Uffizi — right next to David — that Sistine place — the gondolas in Venice a La lago — the Louvre. Class all the way!

    Go Ducks!

  2. Mike 09/28/2024

    I think the copper in that would be better utilized in ammo casings (and I’m not a gun fan)

    • UO Matters Post author | 09/28/2024

      Yeah, artillery shells for Ukraine.

  3. honest Uncle Bernie 09/30/2024

    At least they put it outside the Business school — not Willamette or the Honors College.

    I had a chance to watch it last week — people really like it — lots of family pictures — each one representing beaucoup tuition dollars — to my surprise, I kind of enjoyed it — ask me after 3 months of rain.

  4. Peter Keyes 09/30/2024

    I assume that this statue got run through the official approval processes the same way as the duck by the alumni center. The campus planning committee approved it on a close vote. The committee that makes decisions on locating art decided they had no jurisdiction, as it clearly wasn’t art.

  5. Tug o' the Forelock 10/10/2024

    When I was accepted to grad school here, lo these many years, a friend who went to Penn State said, “Our football team’s chant is ‘Roar, Lions, roar!’ What’s yours? ‘Quack, you bastards, quack!’?”

    I think of that every time I see our cartoon mascot.

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